The Value Position - Sell LEDs to Customers (4)

It is usually agreed that technological innovators or early adopters will trend toward LED lamps. And the individual persons or companies who financially focused on energy-saving or genuinely committed to going green will also like to try LED lighting technology.

The individual residential customer, who is his own decision-maker, is quite often even more attuned to environmental issues than the double-mocha-big-box sector is.

To the homeowner, a lower electric bill becomes appealing when bolstered by the argument that if service areas cut back on demand, future utility rate hikes could well be avoided. And, in some areas, this argument is even more compelling if the local utility is offering rebates for the installation of LED lighting.

Big players, such as Starbucks and Walmart, have already made massive capital outlays in LED lamps in their stores, not only to save on their electric bills and staff maintenance hours, but to demonstrate to their clients that they are environmentally conscious. Being perceived as being green has become a critical part of the brand image of many multinational corporations, and smaller companies are beginning to follow suit.

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