LED Lamps, Their Future is Really Bright! (3)

When CFL is first introduced to the market, its performance disappoints many electrical contractors, so when LED Lamps are introduced now, it is very natural that the electrical contractors is somewhat hesitant to believe what they claims. But his time, the story is really different.

“The responsibility is on manufacturers to educate the chain and create demonstrable examples that show the benefits of the technology,” Hamburger said.

Manufacturers are ready to educate electrical contractors, distributors and product end-users about what LED technology is and what it can really do. Can LED fluorescent tubes really replace traditional tube although the traditional one has some many disvantages?

Contractors can look to the lighting industry to adopt a “try it before you buy it” philosophy to help overcome any resistance to LED technologies, DallePezze said

DallePezze’s recommendation to contractors is to try LEDs in appropriate applications, such as install LED spotlight in bathroom and see how they perform. “Just make sure to do the research that ensures a quality product is being used,” DallePezze said.

Testing and lighting standards, such as IESNA’s LM79 and LM80, are already available and can ensure contractors that they are purchasing the proper, reliable product for the installation, while the National Electrical Manufacturers Association has issued several standards and white papers covering LED drivers, dimming and binning.

“But if long-life, energy-efficiency performance and color are the most important criteria for fulfilling the end-user’s requirements, then LEDs are certainly ready to replace traditional lighting sources,” he said.

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